Online Courses
We have selected and partnered with online training course vendors to provide clients with a convenient resource for internet-based training in general industry and construction.
Accident Prevention for Heavy Construction Online Course Description: Accident Prevention for Heavy Construction is an intermediate online course that focuses on accident prevention, general safety and health provisions found in the Construction Safety and Health Regulations manual. This course provides the guidelines on accident prevention and ways to help you understand the responsibility for accident prevention at the job site. In addition, this course offers safety regulations and guidelines according to OSHA.
Intended Audience: Construction accident prevention training is intended for all construction employers and employees, especially those who work in heavy construction.
- Construction Workers
- Construction Supervisors
- Construction Managers
- Construction Foremen
Learning Objectives: This Accident Prevention for Heavy Construction online course features accident prevention programs that meet OSHA requirements. You are encouraged to further your learning by reviewing principal references, specifically, Subpart C of Title 29 Code of Federal Regulations, Part 1926. By the end of this heavy machinery accident prevention lesson, you’ll have been provided with the knowledge required to safely work at the job site and promote accident prevention to others.
Course Topics
- Introduction to Accident Prevention in Heavy Construction
- Safety and Health Program Guidelines
- Safety and Heath Program Elements
- Competency and Tools
- Safety Training and Education
- More General Accident Prevention Provisions
Features and Benefits: By taking Accident Prevention for Heavy Construction training, you will be better prepared to prevent accidents at the job site. Upon successful completion, you will:
- Know how to conduct a proper construction accident prevention plan
- Know how to actively promote accident prevention on the construction jobsites
- Be aware of basic guidelines involving safety training, fire protection and prevention, and provisions relative to tools and equipment.
- Have the knowledge to put into action the policies of the OSHA Construction Safety and Health
Upon successful completion of the course, each student has the ability to access and print your Completion Certificate at any time, 24/7.
Course Length: 30 Minutes
Registration: To enroll in this course please follow our Course Registration link below, and provide the information requested.
Pricing: $40.00
Advanced Asbestos Awareness for Construction Online Course Description: Advanced Asbestos Awareness for Construction course, together with additional, "site-specific" information, was designed to meet the annual OSHA (1926.1101) and AHERA regulatory requirements in one easy to understand course. You will receive information about Asbestos Awareness in the Construction work environment. The course will focus on areas in which asbestos-containing and presumed asbestos-containing materials are present.
Asbestos awareness training is required upon initial assignment and annually for employees whose work activities may contact asbestos-containing materials (ACM) or presumed asbestos-containing materials (PACM), but do not disturb ACM or PACM during their work activities (Class IV operations).
Note: Workers who perform activities that will result in the disturbance of ACM must receive additional training
Intended Audience: This online safety course is designed to provide you with asbestos training to satisfy certification requirements. It is intended for all personnel responsible for construction related projects, including, but not limited to:
- Construction Workers
- Construction Site Supervisors
Learning Aids: This Asbestos Awareness in Construction online training course focuses on the hazards associated with asbestos. It is important to know that workers who conduct asbestos abatement operations, in most cases, must be licensed by a State or Federal agency. This course provides information from OSHA’s Safety and Health Topics-Asbestos, EPA, OSHA, and state OSHA programs. This course was designed to meet the annual OSHA (1926.1101) and AHERA regulatory requirements.
Course Topics
- Asbestos Basics
- Types of Asbestos
- Asbestos Fibers
- Asbestos Exposure
- Asbestos Containing Materials (ACM)
- ACM Inspection
- Health Effects
- Laws and Regulations
- Avoiding Exposure
Features and Benefits: Asbestos Awareness in Construction online training provides detailed information about OSHA and EPA specific requirements for working around ACM or PACM. Understanding Asbestos and knowing how to avoid exposure is critical for employees whose work activities may bring them into contact with Asbestos-containing materials. When you have successfully completed this course, you will:
- Understand general requirements for working in areas where ACM or PACM may be encountered
- Be familiar with the rules and regulations surrounding asbestos exposure and abatement
- Know the various ways to avoid exposure to asbestos-containing materials
- Understand the health effects of working with asbestos
Course Length: 2 Hours
Registration: To enroll in this course please follow our Course Registration link below, and provide the information requested.
Pricing: $65.00
Advanced Asbestos Awareness for General Industry Online Course Description: Advanced Asbestos Awareness in General Industry safety course, together with additional, 'site specific' information, was designed to meet the annual OSHA (1910.1001) and AHERA regulatory requirements in one easy to understand course. This course teaches safety and health regulatory standards set by OSHA, as well as environmental standards and best management practices.
Asbestos awareness training is required upon initial assignment and annually for employees whose are exposed to airborne concentrations of asbestos at or above the permissible exposure limit (PEL) and/or excursion limit.
Note: We have included the 2-hour time requirement as required by the EPA for anyone engaged in custodial or maintenance work. Maintenance and custodial staff conducting any activities that will result in the disturbance of ACBM must receive an additional 14 hours of training.
Intended Audience: Advanced Asbestos Awareness in General Industry is designed for workers in general industry, construction and building trade.
- Custodial Managers
- Custodial Workers
- Custodial Supervisors
Learning Aids: This Advanced Asbestos Awareness for General Industry online course addresses the hazards associated with asbestos. This safety course will also inform you about the need for workers who conduct asbestos abatement operations as licensed by a State or Federal agency. It is important to check your State’s specific asbestos abatement workers licensing requirements.
Course Topics
- Asbestos Basics
- Types of Asbestos
- Asbestos Fibers
- Asbestos Exposure
- Asbestos Containing Materials (ACM)
- ACM Inspection
- Health Effects
- Laws and Regulations
- Avoiding Exposure
Features and Benefits: Advanced Asbestos Awareness in General Industry online course is an orientation to Occupational Safety and Health. Understanding Asbestos and knowing how to avoid exposure is critical for employees whose work activities may bring them into contact with Asbestos containing materials. Rely on this quick, thorough training course to keep you safe on the job. When you have successfully completed this course, you will:
- Know basic asbestos awareness
- Understand occupational safety and health principles and techniques
- Have an overview of the general requirements for working areas
Course Length: 2 Hours
Registration: To enroll in this course please follow our Course Registration link below, and provide the information requested.
Pricing: $65.00
Advanced Asbestos Awareness for Property Management Online Course Description: This Advanced Asbestos Awareness for the Property and Building Management Industry course, when combined with additional 'site-specific' information, was designed to satisfy the requirements for the two OSHA standards mandating asbestos awareness training. These two standards include the General Industry standard for Asbestos (29 CFR 1910.1001), and the Construction Industry standard for Asbestos (29 CFR 1926.1101). The General Industry standard applies to manufacturing, brake and clutch servicing and building custodial or housekeeping work. The Construction standard applies to building maintenance, construction work and to housekeeping activities performed after maintenance or construction work.
Intended Audience: This online asbestos safety course is intended to provide detailed asbestos awareness information for Employees, Managers, Supervisors, Safety Directors, Property Managers and Building Owners engaged in housekeeping, janitorial, custodial and related maintenance activities. It should be taken by employees, employers and others that work in the property and building management industry covered by one or both of OSHA’s General and/or Construction Industry asbestos standards.
- Employees and employers that work in the property and building management industry
- Building and property owners, managers, and related personnel
- Safety Directors, Managers and other professionals that may have the opportunity to work in or otherwise support the property and building management industry
- Other trades and related personnel that may have the opportunity to work in the property and building management industry
Learning Aids: When taking Asbestos Awareness for Property Management online safety course, you will learn the following:
Course Topics
- Background of Asbestos Use, Products and Definitions
- Asbestos Basics
- Types of Asbestos
- Asbestos Fibers
- Asbestos Exposure
- Health Effects of Asbestos Exposure
- Asbestos Law and Regulation
- Asbestos Regulation and the building and/or property Owner/Manager
- Asbestos Containing Materials(ACM) and types
- Asbestos Surveys and Inspections
- How to Avoid Exposure
Features and Benefits: Asbestos Awareness for the Property and Building Management Industry course will, in part, satisfy the requirements for the two OSHA standards mandating asbestos awareness training. Combined with on-site specific training (e.g. site and company specific information on the locations of asbestos-containing materials (ACM) and presumed asbestos-containing materials (PACM) in the building and appropriate protocols), students can be confident that they have met the OSHA training requirements for asbestos awareness training.
- Understand occupational safety and health principles and techniques
- Have an understanding of asbestos and the different forms it has
- Know how to locate and avoid asbestos exposure
- Review EPA and OSHA’s programs and requirements regarding asbestos awareness
Course Length: 2 Hours
Registration: To enroll in this course please follow our Course Registration link below, and provide the information requested.
Pricing: $65.00
Advanced Asbestos Awareness in Schools Online Course Description: Asbestos Awareness in Schools safety training, together with additional, 'site specific' information, was designed to meet the annual OSHA (40 CFR 763.92) and AHERA regulatory requirements in one easy to understand course. Asbestos awareness training is required upon initial assignment and annually for employees who perform housekeeping operations in an area which contains ACM or presumed ACM (PACM).
This online course will familiarize you with basic occupational safety and health principles and techniques related to asbestos awareness in schools and is geared towards Custodial & Maintenance workers. You will be informed of Asbestos Containing Material (ACM) and Asbestos Containing Building Material (ACBM) and how you can locate these in the building, facility or work site.
Note: Maintenance and custodial staff conducting any activities that will result in the disturbance of ACBM must receive an additional 14 hours of training.
Intended Audience: This asbestos awareness course is designed for custodial and maintenance workers in order to comply with the EPA’s program requirements.
- Custodial Workers and Supervisors
- Maintenance Workers and Supervisors
- Electricians
- HVAC Engineers
- Plumbers
Learning Aids: This Asbestos Awareness for Schools safety course follows How to Manage Asbestos in School Buildings (EPA), and other EPA, OSHA and State OSHA programs. You must recognize that workers who conduct asbestos abatement operations must be licensed by a State or Federal agency. This is important for your health and the health of others on the job site. You will be informed of the general requirements for working in schools in which Asbestos-containing building materials might be encountered.
This course was designed to meet the annual OSHA (40 CFR 763.92) and AHERA regulatory requirements.
Course Topics
- Asbestos Basics
- Types of Asbestos
- Asbestos Fibers
- Asbestos Exposure
- Asbestos Containing Materials (ACM)
- ACM Inspection
- Health Effects
- Laws and Regulations
- Avoiding Exposure
Features and Benefits: Asbestos Awareness in Schools for Custodial & Maintenance workers provides an overview of general requirements for working in schools in which ACM or ACBM might be encountered. Understanding Asbestos and knowing how to avoid exposure is critical for employees whose work activities may bring them into contact with Asbestos containing materials. When you have successfully completed this course, you will:
- Have an understanding of asbestos and the different forms
- Understand the health effects of asbestos
- Know how to locate and avoid asbestos exposure
- Review EPA and OSHA’s programs and requirements regarding asbestos awareness
Course Length: 2 Hours
Registration: To enroll in this course please follow our Course Registration link below, and provide the information requested.
Pricing: $65.00
Advanced Lead Awareness for Construction Course Description: This is a certificate-level online safety course designed to familiarize you with basic occupational safety, health principles and techniques that relate to Advanced Lead Awareness in Construction. This course emphasizes safety and health regulatory standards, as well as environmental standards and best management practices. Coupled with job and site-specific training, this course is designed to comply with the OSHA initial and annual lead awareness training requirements specified in 29 CFR 1926.59 and 29 CFR 1926.62(l).
Intended Audience: This Advanced Lead Awareness safety training is designed for construction workers and managers who are responsible for the safety of their job site according to OSHA regulations. The information provided is important for any employee in the construction industry.
- Construction Foremen
- Construction Supervisors
- Construction Workers
Learning Aids: This online safety course addresses the specific nature of operations which could result in exposure to lead above the reaction level. You will learn the Environmental Protection Agency’s requirements for ensuring safety to the highest possible standard in the workplace. When you have finished with this course, you will have a better understanding of the properties and uses of lead, health hazards, lead standards and exposure limits, and the control of lead in the workplace.
Course Topics
- Overview of Lead Awareness in Construction
- Lead Awareness Program Requirements
- How a Lead Awareness Program Works
- Properties and Uses of Lead
- Health Hazards
- Standards and Exposure Limits
- Medical Surveillance and Lead Removal
- Lead Controls
Features and Benefits: Advanced Lead Awareness for Construction online safety course teaches that lead over-exposure is one of the most common over-exposures found in the industry and is the leading cause of workplace illness. This course is designed to promote lead safety in the workplace. When you have successfully completed this course, you will:
- Know the properties and uses of lead
- Understand the health hazards associated with lead
- Know the standards and exposure limits of lead
- Understand the removal and medical surveillance of lead
Course Length: 1 Hour and 30 Minutes
Registration: To enroll in this course please follow our Course Registration link below, and provide the information requested.
Pricing: $60.00
Air Contaminants Awareness for General Industry Online Course Description: Air Contaminants Awareness for General Industry online safety course focuses on OSHA’s standard regarding air contaminants as covered by Subpart Z 29 CFR 1910.1000 for General Industry. This course focuses on identification, use of tables Z1, Z2 and Z3 found in Subpart Z and computation formula and exposure controls. Hazardous air contaminants and skin designation, which identifies chemicals that can be absorbed across the skin, are covered.
Intended Audience: Air Contaminants Awareness for General Industry is intended for any worker who may come into contact with hazardous chemicals.
- General Industry Workers
- General Industry Supervisors
- General Industry Managers
Learning Aids: This Air Contaminants online safety course discusses the five distinct paragraphs in OSHA’s standard. In addition, you will learn about engineering, administrative, work practice and personal protective equipment controls.
Course Topics
- Air Contaminants
- Limits for Air Contaminants
- Mineral Dusts
- Computation Formulas
- Airborne Contaminant Controls
- General Safety Requirements
Features and Benefits: Air Contaminants Awareness for General Industry online safety course covers OSHA’s standard air quality requirements, and airborne contaminant controls. When you have successfully completed this course, you will:
- Understand OSHA’s requirements for effective work practices
- Know the background of industrial experience, new technology and scientific data for the safety against airborne contaminants
- Know the limits for air contaminants
- Understand the Computation Formula
- Review the airborne contaminant controls
Course Length: 20 Minutes
Registration: To enroll in this course please follow our Course Registration link below, and provide the information requested.
Pricing: $30.00
Alcohol & Substance Abuse for Supervisors and Managers for General Industry Online Course Description: This advanced Alcohol and Substance Abuse online safety course will help supervisors and managers in the General Industry sector understand the different substances that can influence behavior, signs to watch for and how to respond appropriately. This safety training course defines commonly abused substances and the consequences of drugged employees. This course can be used by onsite supervisors, as well as those in charge of setting up company policy, to learn the effects of alcohol and drugs on workplace safety.
Intended Audience: This online substance abuse class is designed for supervisors and managers in the General Industry sector, including those working in:
- Manufacturing
- Construction
- Warehousing and Distribution
- Property Management
- Retail Services
- Trade and Transportation
- Hospitality
Learning Aids: This online course emphasizes the fact that supervisors are responsible for enforcing regulations in the workplace, including alcohol and drug use policies. This online alcohol course covers the signs of impaired judgment, from alcohol to illegal substances.
Course Topics
- Definitions of applicable terms surrounding drug and alcohol abuse in the workplace
- Effects of abuse in the workplace
- Applicable trends
- The use of alcohol, stimulants, depressants, analgesics, predatory drugs, and hallucinogens
- Common drugs of abuse
- Common indicators of drug abuse
- Applicable policies, procedure, and personnel
- Drug testing in the workplace
Features and Benefits: Alcohol and Substance Abuse for Supervisors and Manager online course will teach you to recognize substance abuse on the job. By taking this course and completing it successfully, you will:
- In-depth knowledge of your part in the three Ps: policy, procedures, and personnel
- A broad awareness of commonly abused illicit drugs and how to recognize the influence
- An understanding of appropriate response measures when necessary
Course Length: 1 Hour and 15 Minutes
Registration: To enroll in this course please follow our Course Registration link below, and provide the information requested.
Pricing: $50.00
Ammonia Awareness for General Industry Online Course Description: Chronic respiratory irritation, asthma, lung fibrosis, and dermatitis are just a few of the detrimental effects workers face if overexposed to ammonia or ammonia compounds on the job. To promote safety in work environments where this common refrigerant is present, OSHA has established safety standards for general industry that protect employees and employers alike. During the Ammonia Awareness for General Industry course, students learn more about how to stay safe in the presence of ammonia and ammonia containing compounds as well as what to do in the event of exposure.
Intended Audience: Ammonia Awareness for General Industry was designed for most general industry workplaces who may be exposed to ammonia in the course of their job duties.
- Workers
- Supervisors
- Managers
Learning Aids: This introductory online course addresses important topics in workplace best practices for ammonia exposure, including:
- An overview of ammonia and ammonia gas and their chemical properties
- Permissible exposure limits (PEL)
- Exposure-related health effects
- First aid after exposure
- How to identify sources of exposure through situational analysis
- Personal protective equipment (PPE)
- How to work safely with and near ammonia
- OSHA’s safety and health tips for ammonia refrigerant
- The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Pocket Guide for Ammonia
With proper ammonia safety training, course participants can avoid injury on the job and promote a safer environment for all workers.
Features and Benefits: After completing Ammonia Awareness for General Industry, you’ll understand how to work safely with and around ammonia. Students learn how to recognize sources of ammonia and the dangers of exposure, as well as how to properly utilize PPE and provide first aid in compliance with current OSHA standards for general industry.
Course Length: 20 Minutes
Registration: To enroll in this course please follow our Course Registration link below, and provide the information requested.
Pricing: $30.00
Asbestos Awareness for General Industry Online Course Description: Asbestos exposure happens when workers disturb asbestos-containing materials during demolition and renovation of buildings. In this introductory course, we will teach you about the properties and exposures of asbestos as covered by OSHA Standard Subpart Z 29 CFR 1910.1001 for General Industry. We will also cover how to protect workers from exposure of asbestos in the workplace.
Intended Audience: This Asbestos online training is designed for workers who are responsible for the safety of their job site according to OSHA regulations.
- General Industry Workers/Managers
- Construction Workers/Managers
Learning Aids: In this Asbestos online course, we will discuss the properties and primary uses of asbestos, the primary route of exposure, the OSHA permissible exposure limits, and the recommended exposure controls. After finishing the course, you will be made aware of the requirements for training, exposure monitoring, hygiene facilities, medical surveillance and record-keeping.
Course Topics
- Introduction to Asbestos
- Properties and Exposure
- Requirements when using Asbestos
- Conclusion and Summary
Features and Benefits: By taking Asbestos online safety course, you will understand the importance of OSHA’s standards that apply to asbestos. When you have successfully completed this course, you will:
- Know the properties of Asbestos and exposure levels
- Be aware of the requirements for training
- Understand exposure monitoring
- Promote hygiene facilities
- Understand medical surveillance and recordkeeping for asbestos exposure
Course Length: 10 Minutes
Registration: To enroll in this course please follow our Course Registration link below, and provide the information requested.
Pricing: $30.00
Asbestos Hazards for Construction Online Course Description: This makes it essential for construction workers to know the dangers of asbestos exposure and how to stay safe on the job. The Asbestos Hazards for Construction course provides basic asbestos training in accordance with OSHA standards for construction to keep workers safe and help stay compliant with all relevant State and Federal regulations.
Although banned for new applications since 1989, asbestos was once a common component in many building materials, including insulation, roofing products, paints, and floor and ceiling tiles. Without proper safety measures, workers exposed to asbestos hazards may experience breathing difficulties, inflammatory conditions, mesothelioma, and other cancers.
Intended Audience: This course is appropriate for employees who work on sites where asbestos is used. It may be taken by construction workers, as well as foremen and supervisors who are responsible for ensuring workplace safety.
Learning Objectives: Participants in the Asbestos Hazards for Construction course will learn about asbestos hazards in the construction industry, including:
- Essential facts about asbestos
- OSHA regulations and classifications
- The designation and responsibilities of an asbestos Competent Person (CP)
- Testing and control
- Appropriate respiratory protection
- Responsibilities for workplace safety
- Symptoms of asbestos exposure
- Medical surveillance and when to seek treatment
Upon completion of the course, participants will be prepared to recognize and avoid asbestos hazards. Additionally, they will understand how to take appropriate measures to reduce their risk while working on construction sites.
Features and Benefits
After completing the Asbestos Hazards for Construction course, you will understand best practices for working around asbestos and the dangers of uncontrolled exposure. Additionally, students will learn the importance of monitoring their health for signs of asbestos-related disease and seeking medical treatment immediately if symptoms arise.
Upon successful completion of the course, each student has the ability to access and print your Completion Certificate at any time, 24/7.
Course Length: 30 Minutes
Registration: To enroll in this course please follow our Course Registration link below, and provide the information requested.
Pricing: $40.00
Benzene Awareness for General Industry Online Course Description: Benzene, otherwise known as CAS Number 71-43-2, is a carcinogen, or cancer-causing substance, that is commonly used in the production of gasoline, plastics, synthetic fibers, dyes, pesticides, pharmaceuticals, lubricants, and more. Because it poses such serious health risks, it’s important to be able to recognize the symptoms of benzene exposure and prevent it from occurring. That’s why our Benzene Awareness for General Industry course offers benzene awareness training for all general industry professionals. In this 15-minute, introductory-level course, participants will learn more about this carcinogen and how to protect themselves on the job.
Intended Audience: This course was designed for members of the general industry workforce, including the following:
- Workers
- Supervisors
- Managers
Learning Aids: In this course, participants will learn what to do in the case of benzene exposure. Because it is used in so many industrial settings and products, this module covers the following relevant topics:
- Benzene basics
- Benzene properties
- Benzene exposure
- Safety requirements, including permissible exposure limits (PEL), time-weighted average limits (TWA), and immediately dangerous to life or health (IDLH) warnings as regulated by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
Features and Benefits: Once participants complete the Benzene Awareness for General Industry course; they will be able to apply a six-step exposure evaluation process in the field. They will also learn more about benzene, the industries that use it, and how it reacts with other substances, including oxidants, nitric acid, sulfuric acid, and halogens. Topics such as benzene exposure, safety standards, and exposure controls will also be covered.
Course Length: 15 Minutes
Registration: To enroll in this course please follow our Course Registration link below, and provide the information requested.
Pricing: $30.00
Bloodborne Pathogens for Construction Online Course Description: Because of the highly infectious nature of bloodborne pathogens and illnesses transmitted via contact with blood, accidents on construction sites carry serious risks beyond the initial incident. Accordingly, workers must be aware of how to avoid and appropriate response to exposure aimed to prevent the spread of disease. Bloodborne Pathogen Awareness for Construction provides bloodborne pathogen training for the construction industry to ensure you are prepared to maintain a safe, healthy work environment.
Intended Audience: Bloodborne Pathogen Awareness for Construction offers PPE and bloodborne pathogen training that is appropriate for specific types of construction industry employees. Workers in other fields should complete the Bloodborne Pathogens Awareness for General Industry course, as this course is designed specifically for construction workers.
Learning Aids: This introductory online course helps students identify the hazards associated with bloodborne pathogens and covers OSHA’s standards for job site safety, where BBP exposure may occur.
Course Topics
- An overview of common bloodborne pathogens, including HIV, HBV, HCV, and AIDS
- How BBPs are transmitted, including accidents, CPR, and more
- Exposure prevention and control
- Best practices after exposure
- Common accidents and incidents that result in bloodborne pathogen exposure
- Proper use of personal protective equipment (PPE)
- Other potentially infectious materials (OPIM)
Students are also encouraged to review Center for Disease Control (CDC) references and OSHA BBP Standard 29 CFR 1910.1030 for additional information about BBP and related safety on the job.
Features and Benefits: After completing Bloodborne Pathogen Awareness for Construction, students will understand how to avoid, prevent, and protect against BBP hazards and identify common bloodborne pathogens exposures in the workplace. Additionally, you will learn proper use of PPE, how to respond after accidental exposure, and the work practices required to maintain a safer, healthier job site for all.
- Proper use of PPE in relation to bloodborne pathogens
- How to respond after accidental exposure
- Best work practices for a safer and healthier jobsite
Upon successful completion of the course, each student has the ability to access and print your Completion Certificate at any time, 24/7.
Course Length: 40 Minutes
Registration: To enroll in this course please follow our Course Registration link below, and provide the information requested.
Pricing: $40.00
Bloodborne Pathogens for General Industry Online Course Description: Bloodborne Pathogen (BBP) for General Industry is an intermediate online course that reviews basic safe work practices necessary to avoid exposure of bloodborne pathogens. Find out about the kinds of bloodborne pathogens that exist, and the hazards associated with them.
Notice: Remember, this training is not a substitute for any OSHA policies or U.S. Department of Labor guidelines.
Intended Audience: This Bloodborne Pathogen (BBP) training course is designed for employees, team leads and supervisors in the General Industry sector who are responsible for workplace and job site safety according to OSHA regulations, including those in:
- Manufacturing
- Warehousing and Distribution
- Property Management
- Retail Services
- Healthcare
- Hospitality
- Trade and Transportation
Learning Aids: This Bloodborne Pathogen (BBP) online safety course identifies three primary bloodborne pathogens, their hazards, and what steps to take in the event of accidental exposure. You will be encouraged to increase your education on bloodborne pathogens by reviewing the reference guides 29 CFR 1910.1030. By the end of this online training, you will be shown how to avoid exposure to blood pathogens and where to go to report accidents and exposure incidents.
Course Topics
- Overview of Bloodborne Pathogens (BBP)
- Introduction to BBP
- Transmission
- Major Bloodborne Pathogens
- Prevention/Control of Exposure
- Accidents and Incidents
Features and Benefits: Bloodborne Pathogens for General Industry online safety course enhances your understanding of infectious materials. By following the guidelines presented in the course, you will:
- Know how to define a bloodborne pathogen
- Understand the common hazards associated with the different kinds of bloodborne pathogens
- Know where and how to report accidental exposure
- Know how to mitigate risk and avid exposure to bloodborne pathogens
- Understand how to use appropriate protection and safe work practices
Course Length: 40 Minutes
Registration: To enroll in this course please follow our Course Registration link below, and provide the information requested.
Pricing: $40.00
Cadmium Awareness for General Industry Online Course Description: After successfully completing this introductory Cadmium Awareness for General Industry online safety course, you will be able to avoid this dangerous metal. Sources of cadmium are discussed, as well as signs of exposure. OSHA standards, as covered by Subpart Z 29 CFR 1910.1027 for General Industry, are an important part of this cadmium course, which has been designed to promote safety in the workplace.
Intended Audience: This Cadmium safety course is designed for general industry workers.
- General Industry Workers
- General Industry Supervisors
- General Industry Managers
Learning Aids: Cadmium training helps industrial workers understand the dangers of this metal. Electroplating, removing paint containing cadmium and exposed batteries are the main sources of exposure, but cadmium safety is more than avoiding those sources. After exposure, it is important that the worker understands how to recognize the symptoms and respond accordingly.
Course Topics
- Introduction to Cadmium
- Properties and Exposure
- Safety Requirements
Features and Benefits: By taking Cadmium Awareness for General Industry online safety training, you will be introduced to OSHA cadmium standards. You will also be shown the three primary recommended exposure controls, properties and uses of cadmium, as well as the following:
- Know the two primary means of exposure
- Understand the three primary recommended exposure controls
- Know the properties and uses of Cadmium
- Know OSHA PEL's
Course Length: 10 Minutes
Registration: To enroll in this course please follow our Course Registration link below, and provide the information requested.
Pricing: $30.00