Providing safe and healthy working conditions for employees means more than just sanitation, cleanliness, and risk prevention. In any workplace, it means investing in training so that everyone on the job knows what to do in the event of an emergency.
This doesn't just impact employees, either. There could be clients, vendors, or family members who go into cardiac arrest or stop breathing and need immediate, life-saving assistance in addition to professional help summoned. Training all employees in what to do in this instance ensures that your teams are ready to take action if someone has a cardiac event at work or your business.
Be Ready with CPR and AED
CPR and AED are widely accepted trainings in any workforce because they address the most common medical problem that can surprise anyone - cardiac health. When performed immediately, CPR can be a life-saving procedure. In addition to CPR, knowing when to call 911 quickly and how to use an AED can increase the chances that your team could save someone's life.
Know the Next Steps
For many people, knowing the next steps when a medical emergency occurs is essential to health, safety, and life-saving measures. Understanding CPR and AED procedures, requesting professional medical assistance immediately, and being aware of symptoms of a cardiac issue are all critical aspects of employee, client, and public health and safety. Let your team be ready to help any time by providing essential CPR and AED training for your team.
Learn more from Northwest Safety and Risk Services about who should attend, completion requirements, and more on the course listing page.
Protect Employees and Clients Today
Get certified to protect your employees and teams with internal education and training for any industry. Register for one of our CPR, AED & First Aid Training courses online here.