Who Should Take Defensive Driving?

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Tue, 05/12/2020 - 03:05
traffic cones in foreground with light and a car in background

Defensive driving courses are offered all around the country, and for a good reason. Car accidents are a leading cause of death in the United States, so defensive driving courses can help you to drive safer to protect yourself and your family.

Defensive driving is also required by many jobs that involve driving while on the clock. Defensive driving courses can save the company money, and applying the skills learned can help you be safer at work.

A defensive driving course will cover tactical actions to take while on the road to drive safely, explain preventative measures you can take, and provide skills that you can apply every time you drive.

The course will also cover broader topics, such as staying focused, avoiding distracted driving, and being alert while on the road.

Who Needs the Course

Want lower insurance? Some insurance companies encourage the course and offer lower premiums to those who do.

Have multiple traffic infractions? Some drivers with multiple traffic violations can take the course to reduce demerits on their record.

Finally, many industries require defensive driving courses. These include trucking, tourism, delivery, transportation, and more. 

Defensive driving truly is for everyone. Think about it – you learn how to drive as a teenager and then never sharpen those skills? It’s time to take charge of your time on the road. Bring your awareness, attention to safety, and focus back on driving so that you can be safer on the road.

The Basics of a Defensive Driving Course

Defensive driving is taught by skilled instructors who have experience training professionals who drive for their jobs, and anyone who is looking to address the major risk of driving by taking a safety course.

A few critical driving skills you will pick up in a defensive driving course include:

Focus on safety – This starts before you even get in your car by scanning your environment for issues.

Be alert – Look out for conditions changing ahead of you, pedestrians, and aggressive drivers.

Awareness of other drivers – You can’t rely on other drivers, so watching out for them carefully can help prevent problems.

Tactical actions – Learn about speed, escape routes, risks, and distractions and recommendations for dealing with these risks on the road.

How to Sign Up

Sign up for your defensive driving course by contacting Northwest Safety & Risk Services. Let’s help you stay safe on the road.
